以集体与个人为题目议论文800字 个人主义和集体主义的英语作文?

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How to treated to pesonal for theirselvesHow to treated to personal for theirselvesI think that some personal for theirselves was too much,the equal just to be boys and girls always want to hurt someone,like some girls like him,some boys like her,I dont like this kind of treated.
I think that we should to be kind to see some girl and boys like us.Everybody have had the trouble,about love,family,friends,children and so on.I think this kind of personal was not good,always think about theirselves feeling,never think about another persons feeling.
And also have had some person always throw the garbage for everywhere.I dont think that its a good always is personal think about theirselves and never think about another how do you treated to personal for theirselves


There is a close relationship between individuals and can not be completed need to be completed by the collective, the significance between the two is mutual.