lovely正确发音 十种谐音记忆口诀?

2945 阅读




[i:] 谐音为:易(yi)像数字1,记忆真容易。【衣 发长点】
e: me be she he we evening
ee: sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three green
ea: meat leaf sea pea teach eat clean
[i] 谐音为:【衣 急促地发声】
i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin
e: begin behind jacket basketball
y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty
windy rainy
ey: monkey money
ay:Sunday Saturday Friday
[ :] 谐音为:饿(e)一只鹅饿得晕倒了。【额 发长音】
er: her serve term
ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt
ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain
ear:early learn
or: word work world
[ ] 谐音为:【额 发短音】
ure: picture
er:teacher brother dinner father sister
ar: sugar
a:panda about above camera sofa China
[ :] 谐音为:噢(0)噢,这个音标就像个o。【哦 声音拖长】
a: water
aw:draw strawberry
al:ball wall
or:horse corn fork or short
oor:floor door
[ ] 谐音为:【哦 急促】
o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long
a: watch
[u:] 谐音为:【乌 声音拖长】
o: do who whose
oo: food moon too
ui: fruit juice
u: ruler rude
[u] 谐音为:【乌 急促】
o:woman wolf
oo:look good book foot wood
u:bull bullet
[a:] 谐音为:啊(a)音标的读音跟拼音一样。【啊 嘴巴长到最大】
a: grass glass class plant dance fast father last
ar: car star arm March garden dark scarf
au: laugh aunt
ear: heart
[Λ] 谐音为:【阿 嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】
o: son come colour love money
u: sun nut jump gum bus brush supper us
ou: touch cousin country
[] 谐音为:【哎 发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】
a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat
[e] 谐音为:【哎 发这个音的时候不要把“哎”


棕色 [zōng sè]
n. suntan
adj. brown
棕色备料 brown stock
棕色大陶罐 brown george
棕色腐殖酸 brown humic acid
棕色褐煤 {采矿} brown coal
棕色荒漠土 brown desert soil
He pored on the girls lovely and large brown eyes.
Marys face was brown and the sun had bleached the ends of her hair.
The birds breast is flecked with brown.