agree with 和agree on区别及用法 side with与agree with 和share with的区别?

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side with与agree with 和share with的区别?

with与agree with 和share with的区别?

side with表示支持某人某事
agree with表示同意某人的看法
share with表示与某人分享

agree with用作适合怎么造句?

I dont agree with you on many things我和你在许多事情上意见不一致Seafood doesnt agree with me我不适宜吃海鲜第一句的agree with是同意的意思,第二句则是相符、适合的意思

agree on to with怎么区分?

.agree on:后加物,即后跟观点,看法等词。是对某事(物)有同样看法,商定(同意)某事或商定做某事
agree to:同意,赞成,同意照办(说明)agree to通常不用于进行体。后面跟动词原形。
agree with:与某人(某观点)一致,同意,赞同某人的意见(说明)agree with通常不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。

agree with和agree on的区别?

withhave the same opinion as, e.g:I agree with you/your opinion/what you tobe willing to accept or allow sth,e.g:The bank manage agree to accept our request for a loan.注:后接sb,用agree with一定正确。后接sth,用agree to不一定正确。 on,指对某方面达成一致意见 in,指在某个方面同意

agree at和agree with的区别?

agree with表示“与……一致”。
His story agrees with the facts. 他的陈述与事实相符。
agree at表示同意某人意见
If you propose to me now, I#39ll agree atonce.如果你现在求婚,我会立刻同意的。