behind是什么意思怎么念 言和出加在一起念什么字?

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  部首: 言
  部外笔画: 5
  总笔画: 12
  五笔86: yckg
  五笔98: yckg
  仓颉: yrir
  笔顺编号: 411125154251
  四角号码: 03660
  郑码: szj
  Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U 8A52
(形声。从言,台( yí)声。( dài)本义:欺骗。《中论·考伪》:“骨肉相诒,朋友相诈。”)
遗留 [leave behind]诒,一曰遗也。——《说文》公乃为诗以贻王。——《书·金滕》诒厥孙谋。——《诗·大雅·文王有声》先王违世(逝世),犹诒之法。——《左传·文公六年》又如:诒厥孙谋(为子孙谋划赐福)诒笑(贻笑。被人讥笑)诒后(传给后代)诒言(遗言)诒诮(诒讥。留下笑柄)
给予赠送 [presentmake a gift of sth.]寄书向江山,诒我峰下石。——宋· 王安石《送李屯田守桂阳》


How then would this dinosaur have moved? 那么这种恐龙要如何移动呢?
From there you can look straight down to the dinosaur fossils displayed on the floor below. 从那儿往向下看,你可以看到陈列在地面上的恐龙化石。
Like shark and dinosaur teeth they would break, but then regenerate. 它们就像鲨鱼和恐龙的牙齿一样会断裂,但也会再生。
The winter cold hung in the air like a frozen dinosaur trying to thaw from his glacier and walk across the earth. 冬天的寒冷在空气中纠缠不去,就象被冰冻的恐龙想要从冰河里解冻出来走到地上一样。
Scientist Sereno theorizes that crocodiles as a species survived the dinosaur era because of their agility on land and in the water. 科学家塞利诺的理论:鳄鱼作为一个能够生存在恐龙时代的物种,源于它们的在陆地和水中都很灵活。
The dinosaur also learns from experiences such as staying away from things it doesnt like. 此外,这种恐龙还会领悟一些经验,比如它会远离自己不喜欢的事物。
To have a visual reminder of an effects shot I’d seen in a movie, I’d use a toy spaceship or plastic dinosaur and try copying the shot, which gave me a print that I could study and hold. 为了实现我在一部电影里看到的一个特效镜头,我曾经用一个玩具宇宙飞船和塑料恐龙来复制那个镜头,这让我觉得也许我可以学习这方面的知识并坚持下去。
The room is like a library of huge fossils, complete with rolling stacks full of shelves of dinosaur bones. 这个房间就像是一个存放巨型化石的库房,可旋转的架子上堆满了恐龙骨骼。
But what about other dinosaur relatives that are alive today? 那么今日仍幸存的恐龙亲戚们是什么情况呢?
Back in the dinosaur era, it was more of a floodplain environment, with a flat plain crisscrossed by big, meandering rivers. 在恐龙时期这个地区则更多为泛滥平原环境,平坦的平原上纵横交错着大而曲折的河流。
So in the dinosaur IT wars, I declare the fax machine a survivor, at least for now. 因此,在恐龙IT大战中,我宣布:传真机是幸存者,至少现在如此。
With the profile of a dinosaur and the texture of a rose bush, a thorny devil in Alice Springs Desert Park looks like trouble, but this slow-moving, six-inch [15-centimeter] lizard eats only ants. 长着恐龙的外形和一身的刺犹如一丛玫瑰,这样一个棘手的恶魔在阿丽斯春天的沙漠公园里看似麻烦,但他动作缓慢,六英寸[15厘米]蜥蜴只吃蚂蚁。
He has discovered 40 dinosaur species—more than any other living scientist—from all over China. His office at IVPP, across the street from the Beijing Zoo, is cluttered with fossils and casts. 徐星曾发现过数目惊人的40种恐龙,比任何当代科学家都要多,他位于北京动物园街道对面的研究所办公室堆满了化石和铸件。