sleepover游戏完整版 小王子英文原文第一章摘抄?

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Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. Here is a copy of the drawing. In the book it said: “Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion.”


oversleep基本解释 vi.(使)睡过头 vt.(使)睡过头 第三人称单数:oversleeps 过去分词:overslept 现在进行时:oversleeping 过去式:overslept 例句:Sheoversleptherself.她睡过头了。 oversleep等同于sleeplongerthanintended 同义替换:sleeplate睡过头迟起


jet lag倒时差的意思例如:You should have an enough sleep to get over the jet lag before the of people will suffer from jet lag for a few days after a long flight. 在你上飞机前要有充足的睡眠来克服时差。多数人在长途飞行后都会有几天时差不适。get over 克服/解决/恢复的意思

求能在vc 6.0运行的小游戏的代码?

最基础的贪吃蛇的代码#includeltstdio.hgt#includeltwindows.hgt//基本型态定义。支援型态定义函数。使用者界面函数 图形装置界面函数。#includeltconio.hgtt//用户通过按键盘产生的对应操作 (控制台)#includeltstdlib.hgt#includelttime.hgt //日期和时间头文件#define LEN 30#define WID 25int Snake[LEN][WID] {0}t//数组的元素代表蛇的各个部位char Sna_Hea_Dir a//记录蛇头的移动方向int Sna_Hea_X, Sna_Hea_Y//记录蛇头的位置int Snake_Len 3//记录蛇的长度clock_t Now_Time//记录当前时间,以便自动移动int Wait_Time //记录自动移动的时间间隔int Eat_Apple 1//吃到苹果表示为1int Level int All_Score -1int Apple_Num -1HANDLE hConsole GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)t//获取标准输出的句柄 ltwindows.hgt//句柄 :标志应用程序中的不同对象和同类对象中的不同的实例 方便操控,void gotoxy(int x, int y)//设置光标位置{COORD pos {x,y}t//定义一个字符在控制台屏幕上的坐标POSSetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, pos)t//定位光标位置的函数ltwindows.hgt}void Hide_Cursor()//隐藏光标 固定函数{CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info {1, 0}SetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, ampcursor_info)}void SetColor(int color)//设置颜色{SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, color)//是API设置字体颜色和背景色的函数 格式:SetConsoleTextAttribute(句柄,颜色)}void Print_Snake()//打印蛇头和蛇的脖子和蛇尾{int iy, ix, colorfor(iy 0 iy lt WID iy)for(ix 0 ix lt LEN ix){if(Snake[ix][iy] 1)//蛇头{SetColor(0xf) //oxf代表分配的内存地址 setcolor:34行自定义设置颜色的函数gotoxy(ix*2, iy)printf(